Words have the power to make people do the things you want them to do…words matter!
Good copy has the power to convince someone to do business with you.
It first captures their attention, then their interest, then their decision. It tells them whether you understand their problem and are the person to solve it.
Most of all, good copy drives them to take action, e.g. contact you or leave their contact information.
Is your site’s copy persuasive? Does it bring in enquiries?
- Example – GlobalTalk.com.au
8 ways to write copy that persuades your visitors to do business with you
- Identify the problem – get visitors nodding their heads and make them feel that you understand their problems deeply
- Provide the solution – show them how you can solve their problems…step by step
- Present your credentials – lay it all out and answer the biggest questions visitors have “Why should I choose you?”
- Show the benefits – don’t talk to them about features, talk to them about the outcomes, the benefits, they get from your solution
- Give social proof – scatter client testimonials around your site, place prominent client logos, show off industry associations and memberships, accreditations, everything you have
- Inject scarcity – whether you offer limited time specials or free consultations, scarcity can increase people’s propensity to take action greatly – it can mean the difference between them saying “I’ll get around to it” and “I better contact them now!”
- Give a guarantee – remove any risk people may feel in contacting you by offering a guarantee – of course this is not ideal for all industries, but can work fantastic in many (and don’t just limit your guarantee to simply x-day money backs)
- Call to action – tell people in no uncertain words what they need to do next…spell it out!
Does your website’s copy include most of these elements?
- Example – DentistHomeLoans.com.au
What copy matters most on websites?
For your website, the copy that matters most is the homepage, company story, team bios, email opt in incentives, contact page and your calls to action (opt in, contact etc).
Is the copy for these parts of your site rock solid?
- Example – Intralink.com.au/our-story
Should you hire someone to write your website copy for you?
Most clients dislike writing content for their website. And that makes total sense. After all, your expertise is probably not as a writer, but something quite different.
So what should you do?
Many of our clients hire professional copywriters to do the hard work for them. They simply hand off a bunch of rough notes and then do one or two phone interviews. Soon after all the content is done.
Most of all, the copy is easy to understand, it reads beautifully and it is super persuasive. Good copywriters pay themselves off many times over.
Do you need a pro copywriter to distil all your thoughts and ideas into easy to understand, persuasive copy?
- Example – Intralink.com.au (used a pro copywriter)
P.S. this post is extracted from our free report on the top 10 secrets we use to grow our clients’ businesses online. Read the free report >