Other Pages
You should consider adding some of these too.
[vc_toggle style=”style1″ title=”Team” open=”false”]Photos and bios of all the people in your company, or at least the senior members (eg
Bay Dental Brighton Team Page). You can also combine this page into the About page, so the About page would have your story, business photo, and then also the photos and bios of team members.
- Worth it? A team page, or team photos on the about page, helps to build the same kind of trust and familiarity people feel when they visit a business in person. So even if it takes a bit of work collecting all the photos, it is definitely something to seriously consider.
[/vc_toggle][vc_toggle style=”style1″ title=”Products” open=”false”]Information about your products, and where appropriate, photos to go with the text (eg
AHBW Products Page).
- Worth it? If you sell products you might want to showcase every single product on your website (eg Lightmax) or you may prefer to just give people an idea of what types of products you have (eg AHBW Products Page). The advantage of the latter approach, is that you don’t need to get content together for every single product (text and photos), you save money on website development and you give visitors just enough information to convince them to speak to you or visit your business.
[/vc_toggle][vc_toggle style=”style1″ title=”Case Studies” open=”false”]Photos and written summaries of work you have done for clients and the results it has achieved for them, so you can show visitors the quality of your work (eg
Sport Business Case Study Page).
- Worth it? This is just like a portfolio page, but more in-depth and more text focused. If you can put together case studies, go for it, as they work really well to show people results you have achieved for businesses in a similar position to them and thus work really well to persuade them to work with you.
[/vc_toggle][vc_toggle style=”style1″ title=”Process” open=”false”]Walk people through your process from start to finish, so they know exactly what it is like to work with your company.
- Worth it? For complex service businesses, a process page can help demystify your business and in doing so give visitors the certainty and reassurances they need to take action and get in touch with you.
[/vc_toggle][vc_toggle style=”style1″ title=”Pricing” open=”false”]Listing out your services/products and associated pricing (eg
Bohemian Brides Product Page).
- Worth it? It depends! The advantage of a pricing page is it answers perhaps the number one question visitors have and it saves you time dealing with people who wouldn’t be able to afford your products/services. The disadvantage is people start to make their decision based on price and thus may treat your product/service like a commodity. So it depends on what the norm is in your industry and for your target customer. Generally speaking, our advice is to avoid such a page. It is much better to speak to prospective customers first, show them how your business can help them solve their problem better than the competition, and then you will no longer be competing on price.
[/vc_toggle][vc_toggle style=”style1″ title=”FAQ” open=”false”]Nice clear answers to the most common questions you get asked from prospective and existing customers (eg
Global Talk FAQ Page).
- Worth it? A FAQ page is great for both visitors and yourself, as it helps them find the answers they want fast and it saves you hours and hours of time answering the same questions via email, phone or in-person. Also, a smartly written FAQ page can act as a great sales tool as you can answer visitors’ hesitations head on and get them enquiring. But with that said, for some businesses it is better not to have an FAQ, as not having one encourages prospects to contact you and during the contact process you can sell them perhaps better than your website. Worth thinking about this one!
[/vc_toggle][vc_toggle style=”style1″ title=”Clients” open=”false”]Logos of all the notable clients you work with or have worked with (eg
Sport Business Clients Page).
- Worth it? A clients page filled with logos of other businesses, especially any well known businesses, works really well to show people that other people trust your business and so should they. Even if the logos are of everyday businesses, it is still worth it. If you go with this page it is a good idea to link each client logo to the client’s own website.
[/vc_toggle][vc_toggle style=”style1″ title=”Testimonials” open=”false”]3-6 testimonials (or many more) from current customers, along with their full names, and if applicable and/or possible company/position, website address, location and their photo or company logo (eg
eChimp Examples Page).
- Worth it? Always! It is just as important as a portfolio page. You might also want to consider combining your portfolio page and testimonials page into one, like we have done with our examples page. This is a very effective combination!
[/vc_toggle][vc_toggle style=”style1″ title=”Careers” open=”false”]You can either have a general page about what it is like to work at your company and invite people to enquire about whether there is a position open, or you can advertise specific positions on the page (eg
Casair Complete Aviation Careers Page).
- Worth it? If it makes sense for your business, go for it, but this is not an essential page.
[/vc_toggle][vc_toggle style=”style1″ title=”Partners/Links” open=”false”]Mini directory of other businesses/websites you have a relationship with and your target customers might find useful. This also encourages these other site owners to link to your site, which is good for SEO/Google. (eg
Dr Tom O’Brien Partners Page).
[/vc_toggle][vc_toggle style=”style1″ title=”Media” open=”false”]Extracts of any interviews or articles that have been written about your business by local and regional news outlets and/or other websites (eg
HMKC Lawyers Media Page).
- Worth it? A media page filled with news articles or website articles mentioning your business, work beautifully as social proof that your business is quality, trustworthy and generally of note.
[/vc_toggle][vc_toggle style=”style1″ title=”Terms” open=”false”]Your company’s T&Cs (eg
MTR Electrical). If you would like to create this page, please seek legal advice to determine wording and what sort of cover it gives you.
- Worth it? It depends on best practices in your industry.
[/vc_toggle][vc_toggle style=”style1″ title=”Privacy Policy” open=”false”]Your company’s privacy policy (eg
Tax & Super Direct). If you would like to create this page, please seek legal advice to determine wording and what sort of cover it gives you.
- Worth it? It depends on best practices in your industry.